The painting piano
The inspiration of art has always been one of the most complex psychological problems, nor has ever been able to find a possible acceptable explanation; thinking then about how the light of inspiration manifests on the artist and the absurd way in which the artist can find a form to achieve it.
The theme of music retains a central role in the paintings of Francesco Mancarella, highlighting the inspiration and the clash between the thought and the symbiotic duality nature against nature.
In his works, there is a matching between the musical compositional skills and the translation of them on the same canvas, between the free travel of the notes and the ability to enclose them in fragmentation of color, in a kind of multiethnic and exclusively artistic thought.
He offers through the painting piano, the concept of “Now i see”, an audiovisual project, a kind of commonality in which the musical arts can be put in close relation with the visual world; as a way to show up the consciousness of everyone through this tool, highlight their splashes of interior colors manifesting themselves completely.
In this case, music makes the canvas being itself strongly influenced and inspired by the second one, creating an osmotic relationship that unifies the two arts in a unique artistic inseparable artwork for people like Francesco Mancarella, that found in their own creations the inspiration of life.

Francesco Maria Mancarella is an Italian composer and pianist. He graduated from the “Tito Schipa” Conservatory in Lecce in jazz piano and in audiovisual industry technologies with a master’s degree in movies soundtrack composition and scoring. He has various record publications as author, composer, music director and artistic producer. He invented and patented “The Painting Piano”with which he has been reviewed on national and international magazines, radio and television such as: Classic FM, Millionaire, “Corriere Innovazione”, “Corriere della sera”, RadioRai2 (Caterpillar), RadioRai3, Tv2000, TeleNorba, Rai 1 , Rai3, Fox etc .. He is the winner of the MEDIMEX MusicUp as “Makers of new musical technologies”, of the Festivalshow as the author of the song “the Carillon of compromises” and of Postepay Crowd.
He performed for “Piano City” in Piazza Duomo in Milan and on the prestigious stages of the “Calatafimi” Festival, Baroque Award, Arena di Verona, Noah Festival, Maker Faire, Piano Lab and many others.
He collaborated with great orchestras at national and international level such “Bulgarian National Symphony Orchestra” (Sofia), “Italian rhytmosphonic orchestra (channel 5)”, “Souther Est Europe Orchestra”. In 2019 he received the “Likes it” quality seal from the prestigious “JazzIt” magazine for the disc “Shares”.
Within the same recording project, he played with the guitarist Luca Colombo. He has performed in theaters throughout Italy since 2017 alongside the actor Enrico Lo Verso and with Ettore Bassi, Michele Mirabella, Sade Mangiaracina, Radiodervish, Enzo De Caro. He opened the concerts of Francesco De Gregori, Paola Turci and collaborated with Sud Sound System and Matteo Cazzato (Amici 18). In December 2019, he performed on Rai 1 during the TV show “I Soliti ignoti” conducted by Amadeus together performing with “the painting piano”.
He is under a recording contract with INRI Classic with which he released his second solo album.